Chapter 1: Road to the Ancient Lab

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Mission Data

Recommended level: 3

Time limited: No

Replay notes: Zelda will not be available on replay until the point where you gained the ability to play as Zelda in the original mission.

Win conditions: Head toward the Royal Ancient Lab - Flee from the Guardian - Defeat the Guardian

Loss conditions: Link, Impa, or Zelda flees

Note: If you bring characters other than Link or Impa on replay, Link/Impa will also run around the map as NPCs, and can fail the mission for you if you're not able to rescue them from sticky situations. You also can't give them orders like your playable party members.


300 rupees per clear, plus time and KO bonuses. Weapon drops for unlocked characters.

Koroks: 6


Objective 1: Support Zelda's escape to the Targeted Position

After the opening cutscene, start clearing enemies as you head south. You'll encounter a lone Moblin among the horde bokoblins pretty close to the start. On replay, this Moblin will use a spinning move which you can counter with Stasis.

Zelda's movement pattern as an escorted NPC is erratic -- she may refuse to move until enemies are cleared, or move ahead while you're still battling. Feel free to ignore her for now in favor of clearing enemies. She won't trigger any cutscenes without you, and she shouldn't take damage for now.

As you work your way south, you'll gain the use of Magnesis and Stasis, so that you have all four of your combat runes. The game will teach you how to use the new ones on the weak-point "powerful foes" in the outposts as you go.

When you reach the large area with lizals mixed in among the bokos, turn right. Defeat the Ice Wizzrobe and pick up his Ice Rod. You now have the ability to use ice elemental attacks.

West of the Ice Wizzrobe's spawn, near the western end of the north wall of this large area, find a buried metal chest (1 of 6) and use Magnesis to pull it out of the ground for 2 Giant Ancient Cores.

Clear out or destroy the skull camp on the southwest side of the large area and open the randomized chest found there.

Head north toward the first outpost -- Zelda has likely already reached it if you stopped to clear all the enemies in the large area.

Clear the outpost. The large boko here wields an [Iron Sledgehammer] and will attempt to throw it at you. Use Magnesis to catch the sledgehammer and throw it back at him (just press the Magnesis button when prompted and the game will do the rest).

Proceed west toward the glowing Targeted Position. Before entering it, on the right, find a yellow korok flower for korok 1 of 6, and another buried metal chest (2 of 6) for a Kakariko Kodachi.

Objective 2: Flee from the Guardian while protecting Zelda

When you reach the Targeted Position, a [Guardian Stalker] will charge out of an enclosed area to the north. Dodge around it and run into the enclosed area. Find a korok leaf-print stump, stand on it, and interact with Y for korok 2 of 6.

Evade the Guardian and don't bother trying to fight it yet. It's possible to defeat the Guardian early if you're massively overleveled or extremely determined and skilled, but once it's dead, the level will end, so take your time and clear the level properly.

Head for the new Targeted Position. Conveniently, the path is split here, so you can take whichever side the Guardian isn't blocking, but if Zelda gets stuck, you may have to go back for her. Zelda will also take damage while the Guardian is attacking her, so it's possible to lose the battle here if you're not paying attention.

Once you and Zelda are both inside the friendly outpost at the new Targeted Position, a cutscene will play. The tiny Guardian will activate a Decayed Guardian (here known as Unearthed Guardians), which will shoot the Guardian Stalker and damage it.

Objective 3: Activate the Unearthed Guardians

You'll receive a new objective: activate two Unearthed Guardians that stand on high wooden platforms in the western part of the map. The Hylian Captains will hold the Guardian at a standstill near the second Targeted Position for you, so it won't hassle you while you clear these objectives.

If you tackle the northern Unearthed Guardian first, you'll gain the ability to play as Zelda sooner, and you'll wind up in a better position for the final objective, so we'll take that route.

Objective 3a: Clear the Northeast Map (Optional)

Make your way north, skirting around the Guardian Stalker on the path. You may need to move entirely in quick dodges by tapping B to avoid its laser, or you can parry the laser with Link's shield if you prefer.

Somewhere along the path north, you'll gain the ability to play as Zelda. If she took damage from the Guardian earlier, you can swap to her and heal her.

At the north end of the northern path you took past the Guardian, turn right and trek east, clearing enemies as you go. (On replay, if Impa is an NPC, she likes to get stuck in this area and overwhelmed by enemies, so keep an eye on her.)

On your way, clear the skull camp in the alcove near the north center of the map. You can destroy the entire camp with bombs if you like. This one doesn't seem to have a randomized chest, though.

In the northeastern corner of the map, behind a low rock outcropping that shows as a divot in the map, find a white metal chest (3 of 6) for an Ancient Memory Part.

You can destroy the entire tree-fort camp with a well-aimed bomb rune, or clear it traditionally if you prefer. Remember to open the randomized chest.

Clear the bokoblin outpost as well. The large bokoblin here wields a [Boko Shield], so you'll use bombs to break his guard.

Head all the way back along the north edge of the map toward the northern Unearthed Guardian.

Objective 3b: Northern Unearthed Guardian

Just before you reach the Unearthed Guardian, you'll find yourself in an unmarked outpost. The large bokoblin here wields a Boko Club and will make a spinning attack that you must interrupt with Stasis to stagger him.

Head along the wooden ramps toward the Unearthed Guardian. Just before reaching it, turn right and follow the ramp there to its end. You'll find a very faint glowing spot with fairy lights sparkling around it. Interact with it for korok 3 of 6.

Now return to the Unearthed Guardian and reactivate it. You'll see a brief cutscene in which it damages the Guardian Stalker.

Objective 3c: Clear the Rest of the Map (Optional)

Head back through the cleared outpost and south down the western edge of the map. You'll meet an Electro Wizzrobe. Defeat him and take his Lightning Rod to round out your collection of elemental damage abilities.

Just east of the Wizzrobe in the same area, open a rope-bound chest (4 of 6) camouflaged against a couple of crates for 5 Amber.

Keep heading south and clear another outpost with a large bokoblin wielding an [Iron Sledgehammer]. Use Magnesis to stagger him. There are a few more bokos in a non-collapsible monster camp to the west of the main path, which you can clear as well if you want.

About three-quarters of the way to the southwestern corner of the map, on the east side of the path, find a wooden chest (5 of 6) for 300 rupees.

Head to the very southwestern corner of the map and clear out a skull camp full of bokoblins with a randomized chest at the very back.

Make your way east along the southern edge of the map, clearing groups of bokos along the path, and find your way to a truly massive lizalfos camp. Just inside the gate, turn right and make your way along the wall to the southernmost point of the map. Interact with a yellow korok flower there for korok 4 of 6.

Clear the lizal camp. The large lizal is up in the tree fort, which sadly cannot be collapsed with bombs. Use Cryonis to stagger him when he charges you.

Next, head east all the way to the edge of the map and find a korok balloon floating in circles. Pop it with a weapon or Link's arrows for korok 5 of 6.

Objective 3d: Southern Unearthed Guardian

Head back west into the large lizal camp area and take the northern exit. Deal with the Electro Wizzrobe dancing in front of the next wooden gate.

Beyond the gate is another unmarked outpost. This one has a Moblin already spawned in among the bokoblins, instead of a large bokoblin. He carries a spear and can be staggered with Cryonis when he charges.

Once you've cleared this outpost, head out the western gate and immediately turn left. Find a korok pinwheel in front of a canvas tent for korok 6 of 6.

Turn your back on the korok and face north. You should see a wooden chest (6 of 6) standing in front of the fence by a long wooden ramp. Open it for a Traveler's Sword.

Head up the ramp and activate the Unearthed Guardian. Impa and Zelda will let you know that the Guardian Stalker is currently out of range and you must lure it closer.

Handily, the ramp leading north from the Unearthed Guardian will drop you right where the Hylian Captains have been holding the Guardian Stalker in place all this time. Head north to the dropoff and press B to jump down.

Get the Guardian Stalker's attention, then book it for the Targeted Position, which is the friendly outpost where you originally got the assignment to activate the two Unearthed Guardians. The Stalker will follow you. Once it enters the friendly outpost, a brief cutscene will show the Unearthed Guardian firing on the Guardian Stalker.

Zelda will instruct you to attack the Guardian Stalker directly. Do so. If you're playing as Link, a shield parry (hold ZL and press Y) at the right moment will reflect the Guardian's laser beam and expose its weak-point gauge.

Once the Guardian Stalker is defeated, the level ends.


List of all koroks

  1. Yellow korok flower just before the central Targeted Position
  2. Leaf-print stump in the enclosed area the Guardian Stalker charges out of
  3. Fairy lights spot on the wooden ramp that branches away from the northern Unearthed Guardian
  4. Yellow korok flower at the southernmost point of the map, in the giant lizal camp area
  5. Korok balloon near the southeast corner of the map
  6. Korok pinwheel to the left of the path just after clearing the Moblin outpost by the southern Unearthed Guardian

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List of all one-time-obtainable chests

  1. Buried metal chest on right of path a little before the first outpost: Giant Ancient Core x2
  2. Buried metal chest on right of path just before the first Targeted Position, near korok 1: Kakariko Kodachi
  3. Metal chest in northeast corner of map: Ancient Memory Part
  4. Rope-bound chest near northern Electro Wizzrobe: Amber
  5. Wooden chest near a long wooden ramp near the southwest corner of the map: 300 rupees
  6. Wooden chest by the ramp leading to the southern Unearthed Guardian: Traveler's Sword

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